Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hey Government...screw you!

I haven't blogged for awhile - I haven't really felt that oomph of passion I need to write something that really means anything to me.  I've got to have that gusto in my brain, to make something even remotely interesting pour through my fingertips.

Well I've got gusto now baby - I've also got passion... not that good, lively awesome passion, but an angry, fiery, irritated passion. 

A passion I will be channeling in a little something called "Screw You Government".

I work two jobs - I'm not a lazy person.  I've worked since I was 16 years old, always with a strategic plan to move my life forward in a positive way, that will allow me to afford the better things in life.  As my blog has stated in the past, I've never had any misconceptions about wanting children - I don't want them.  I also dont have much interest (right now at least) in playing big dollars on the stock market, or driving a fancy car around town.  I do want to enjoy my life:  invest wisely in Real Estate and my RSP's, while wearing clothes I adore, eating at fantastic restaurants and travelling the world.

So I work.  Hard.

Last year I received some financial accolades for a job well done; very rewarding I  might add.  Although that reward was torn from me this week, when I received my completed taxes back from my accountant.  I owe the govenment:  not a little... but A LOT.  A substantial amount of money.  Money of which essentially needs to appear from thin air, as any extra money I have, I put against my Line of Credit, into Savings, or spend on fancy shoes (listen, life is better in good heels, okay???)

Now this is what pisses me off royal:  I went back and looked at the tax that had already been taken off of my paycheques this year:  I paid (before this most recent set of taxes) almost one quarter of my annual salary to the government.  A QUARTER!  How, on Earth, can I actually have to pay them MORE?

And I'm so sick of people saying "the more you make, the more you give to the government". You know, that's not really a sound explanation to me.

In January, my Grandmother passed away in the hospital.  The Health System was an absolute disgrace to her in her final weeks.  There were not enough nurses to assist her in her illness to help her to the washroom, so they just let her soil herself.  It was awful and one of the most traumatic experiences of my life, listening to her talk in those weeks.  And now, after going through that, and me giving them a quarter of a years salary, they can't do anything to repair the disarray with our healthcare?  Trust me, a quarter of my salary for a year could afford a part-time caregiver in a hospital.

Yet instead of assisting other patients (and families) in need in our broken system, we are having another Federal Election?  Are my tax dollars going into the funding that is supporting this waste-of-time election?  Absolutely they are.  If you look around the world right now, we are pretty lucky to live in Canada - while other countries are falling apart at the seams (Egypt, Libya, Iran, etc), we are looking pretty good here (at least on a political scale).  So why not take the actual dollars, on top of the manpower, to actually contribute something needed to our society and country?

I truly would like to know where my hard earned money is going?  It's certainly not going to Healthcare, or Education for that matter.  And have you had an opportunity to pick up a newspaper and catch up on the scum our judicial system is letting roam free in our neighbourhoods?  It's obviously not going to our court system either.

And I don't have a choice - I pay them the additional thousands of dollars they want, or I get the debt collectors after me.  The way I look at it, the party that is in debt right now is our greedy government.  In this case "debt" is not being defined in a financial matter, but as it is in the dictionary "something that is owed", and I think our government owes us an explanation as to the pathetic state of some of our most important issues. 

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