Monday, January 31, 2011

Numero Uno

For awhile now, I've been thinking I need a place where I can go to be creative and write.  Even if it's for my own self satisfaction.  So, here goes - a blog.  I figure why not?  Seems like a logical thing to do - I have fingers to type, a brain to think (at least most of the time) and a computer to use.  Granted, I'm not sure exactly what I'll blog ABOUT; however I'm sure it will all come to me at some point.  I just need an outlet to have a conversation (whether it is to myself, or no one at all).

First of all - a title of a blog?  How am I supposed to even create a title when I'm not sure exactly what I'll blog about?  However, I'm very much into fashion - well, that's not really true - I'm into style.  I think they are two very different things.  I generally think of people who are into "fashion" as people with a lot of money, who have a lot of creative education behind them.  I am not one of those people. I don't have A LOT of money, and my education is nothing creative.  I studied broadcast journalism.  Although if I could go back and do it all again, I would have gone into a fashion education.  However, I digress.

I love style - I have more clothes than a small retail chain.  Some of my clothes are extremely expensive - others are $5 finds from cheapy stores in the mall.  And you know, I have a $10 pair of shoes from Forever 21 that I love equally as much as I love my Louboutins (okay, well I may love the CL's a little more - but still).

My profession is now in a field where I work with horses (well, not directly WITH the horses, but in the same facility as them).  So I figured a cool name for a blog would be Hair Heels and Horses. 

So, that's all for now.  I think I'll go and scope other people's blogs to see what they're talking about... and how they're set up.  I miss using my brain to learn lately - this is a good opportunity for me to use that mass behind my eyes. 

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