Monday, January 31, 2011

Time Is Money?

Tonight the bf and I went to see No Strings Attached (well, actually we went this afternoon, I had the day off and he left work early... shhh...).  SIDE NOTE...I was in my yoga pants and Reetones and he was in as suit - which made me think that people in the theatre must of thought I was his on-the-side honey.  Which might I say, I enjoyed.  But that's another story in itself.

Today, while I had my day off and playing housewife, I accidentally forgot to get eggs.  So on the way home from the movie I ran into 7-11 to get eggs.  7-11 is ON THE WAY HOME, as where a grocery store would be out of the way, got to find parking, walk in, stand in line - blah blah blah.  I grab the eggs and tell the BF that they were only $3.49.  He was appalled.  It's so bizarre - I would consider the $2 extra I paid absolutely worth it.  Why on Earth would I waste 15 minutes from my evening to go to a grocery store to save such a small amount of money?

This is not the first time we have had this discussion either - a few weeks ago we were in Vancouver doing our grocery shopping - we got everything we needed, but he would NOT allow me to spend $4.50 on the bag of mixed peppers, as they are only $2 at the grocery store near our house.  So we had to drive back to Coquitlam, unload the current bag of groceries and then drive back to a different store, to get them (that grocery store, ironically enough was sold out of the peppers, so we had to go and get them the following day).

So I beg the question?  Is my time worth money?  Or is my money worth the time?

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