Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hair Today. Gone Tomorrow.

I actually feel quite ridiculous.  I am in an awful, bitchy, miserable, mood.  You'd think it's perhaps due to the sadness in the media right now - over the weekend I could barely pull myself away from CNN I was so intrigued and interested in Egypt.  And Monday and Tuesday there were no words to express the disgust I felt with the massive dog slaughter in Whistler.  But no, that is not why I am in such a disgusting mood... it's my hair.

I can't handle it any longer.

For years now, I have donned the short Victoria Beckham "Pob" and then last year I rocked out that sweet short cut that Rihanna did.  When you have short hair you really start to admire "the updo".  You watch your besties pull their hair back into cute little ponytails... and you just do the same thing everyday with a short do' (with the exception of a rockstar headband or barette, now and again).  It was time to grow out my hair.

Anyone who has gone from short hair to the long stage, can agree, it's awful.  Actually, I think it's embarassing.  There are literally days that I try to think of excuses to not go to anywhere too cool or too trendy in Yaletown or elsewhere, simply because my hair is such a disgrace.  And now, I'm rocking split ends, gross roots and just an all-round unsexy look.

So I have made a fairly significant investment in hair extensions and tomorrow I go to a new hairstylist.  Which is just adding an additional layer of "ick" into my life.  The hairstylist I've had for ten years is a serious star.  She has given me so many great looks I could puke - but a stylist who I know through contacts, was looking for a blonde, so I volunteered myself.  He has styled my hair before and I loved it - but this is the first time someone "new" is cutting and dyeing my hair for the first time in over a decade.


We had our consultation last week and I'm pretty stoked about it.  He works in a super fun salon and he is absolutely "fabulous".  When I told him I wanted bangs, he hit me in the head and said "that's a bang, you want a fringe".  I think I was hooked on that one comment.   Alas, tomorrow the extensions are put in, the roots disappear, and fringe is added.  I think I'm so excited that I might not sleep tonight - like a 6 year old before Santa.

Except my version of Santa will make me feel sexy and pretty again - and once he's done with me, I can actually focus on the REAL problems of the world. 


  1. Ha, here you are wanting to have longer hair, and I'm going nuts with my hair down past the bottom of my shoulder blades. There must be a happy middle ground, right? *sighs*

  2. Hey. How did it turn out? Pics?
